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    Great Britain

    Khartoum and Omdurman, the White Nile, the Fajoli people; Redjaf and Kassala; the Sennar dam and railway development, Port Sudan; the Sultan of Fallata; a ceremonial parade of Arab and Nuba chieftains.


    During a tiger hunt in the Gir forest in India, hunters watch a fight between a rare Indian lion and a tiger.

    Great Britain

    Dramatisation of the life of the African missionary David Livingstone.

    Opening with shots from Livingstone's childhood ('youth's most precious heritage - the influence of home'), the film next shows Livingstone studying medicine at ...


    Trimming logs and moving them to the edge of a hill so they can slide down. Pushing them over a 400ft cliff, at the bottom of the hill, towards the river. Road making on steep slope at Thangi. Filmmaker's wife, "as cinema heroine", up steep slope with ...


    "LORD OF THE WORLD: THE IMAGE OF VISHNU, THE HINDU GOD, IS CENTRAL FIGURE IN GREAT PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINE OF JAGANNATH AT PURI, INDIA." Two of the cars standing side by side with pilgrims on them (17); closer shot of the crowd of ...

    Great Britain

    Love story of an English girl, who has gone to live on her sister's farm in Rhodesia and is wooed by a hot-tempered farmer. However, she prefers a married man, separated from his wife. After a violent struggle with the farmer, during which ...


    Amateur footage of scenes in Madras; Viceroy's residence, Thousand Lights bazaar, trooping the colour.

    Great Britain

    Amateur film. City scenes in Calcutta.


    MALAYA 1928

    Great Britain

    TRAVELOGUE. Scenes in Malaya.

    No main title. "A prominent land-mark - Government House, residence of the Governor of the Strait Settlements" (4). LS Government House in Singapore (?) (18). "The railway-traveller through Malaya ...

    Great Britain

    Travelogue of Malaya.

    Great Britain, Malaysia

    Government-sponsored film showing the history, buildings and industries of Malaya.

    Extensive titles outline the history of the region, under Portuguese, Dutch and British rule, while an animated map shows ships converging ...


    MAURITIUS 1921

    South Africa

    TRAVELOGUE. Scenes around the island of Mauritius.

    Credits. Titles (37). MLS island of Réunion viewed from a moving boat (44). MCU on the bridge of the boat (52). Titles (62). MLS from the stern of the boat with the mountains of ...