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    Great Britain, Malaysia

    Government-sponsored film showing the history, buildings and industries of Malaya.

    Extensive titles outline the history of the region, under Portuguese, Dutch and British rule, while an animated map shows ships converging ...

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    Documentary on the Gold Coast, showing the building of a new harbour at Takoradi, and the construction of roads and railways.

    The film shows the construction of the new harbour at Takoradi, with shots of 'one of the ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    School children celebrate Empire Day (43ft).

    South Africa

    ACTUALITY. A record of a visit to South Africa by a group of American tourists during a world tour on the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company's motor vessel "Asturias".

    "R.1" Various shots of the "Asturias" entering Table Bay (14-65); ...

    Great Britain

    Some footage duplicated from GORRIE PERSONAL FILM NO. 14, some from others. Sheila Mary's first summer, birthday games with her father. Squaring deodar log before sawing. "S G as cine heroine". Woman climbing up hill with mule on tow. ...

    Dalyell Collection

    Extended sequence showing the open air collection of the wild life in an Indian Zoo. Concentrating mainly on baby elephants being fed and trained, watched by Sahibs and Mensahibs. Also giraffe and baby. Hippopotamus being fed. Tiger ...

    Bolland Collection

    Shikar (i.e. Hunting) and views of Bikaner 1924-26; The opening of the Gang Canal by Lord Irwin 1927. Copies of Maharao Brijraj Singh of Kotah's 16 mm films, with his commentaries.

    Production / Donor Details: Film shot by ...


    Trimming logs and moving them to the edge of a hill so they can slide down. Pushing them over a 400ft cliff, at the bottom of the hill, towards the river. Road making on steep slope at Thangi. Filmmaker's wife, "as cinema heroine", up steep slope with ...


    Leaving Smila, Scot's Kirk and English Church. On the Hindustan-Tibet road: preparing mules and loading up, bazaar scenes and native life. Near Narkanda, local farmer ploughing with oxen. Rampur bazaar scenes: buildings, features and locals. Crossing ...


    KASHGAR: 2 1927


    Amateur film of Lucknow. Wrestlers; Sikh troops training; unloading and assembling gun at speed; river scenes; saw pit.


    KASHGAR: 3 1927


    Amateur film. Journey undertaken by George Sherriff from (?)Gilgit to Kashgar. Carriers; scenery; fording river; Kirghiz weaving; parade of soldiers; bazaar scenes; reception, feasting.