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    ACTUALITY. A record of the second Everest expedition showing the journey from Darjeeling to Tibet, activities of the Tibetans, and the climb itself. Released in five parts.

    Rl.1 Part I - The Long Road To Tibet. Map of India giving location of ...


    This is described as "The Official film record of the pilgrimage of HRH the Prince of Wales to the far east from Portsmouth; via Gibraltar, Malta, Ceylon, Malay States, and Hong Kong to the Land of the Sun". Also visited are Manila, Brunei, and Cairo ...


    The lying in state of the body of Sir Ernest Shackleton in Montevideo, Uruguay, and its transfer to ship for burial on the island of South Georgia, 1922.

    The film opens with a portrait still of Shackleton, ...


    EGYPT 1921


    INTEREST. Archaeological dig in Egypt and exhibits at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

    Archaeological dig in progress: Egyptians working under supervision of ?Europeans, palm trees in background (12). A camel train leaving the site, ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    10,000 children greet Queen Alexandra in Hyde Park.


    MAURITIUS 1921

    South Africa

    TRAVELOGUE. Scenes around the island of Mauritius.

    Credits. Titles (37). MLS island of Réunion viewed from a moving boat (44). MCU on the bridge of the boat (52). Titles (62). MLS from the stern of the boat with the mountains of ...


    INTEREST. The way of life of the Bedouins of Moab, Jordan.

    Main title (2). A family group of Bedouins sitting outside a small tent. They play string instruments, beat drums and the children and other adults clap along (26-58). A camel with ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    MAIN TITLE Prince of Wales [later, Edward, Duke of Windsor] sets sail from Portsmouth for India on the 'Renown' (55ft).

    Note: Harold Jeapes accompanied the Prince of Wales on his tour of India and Japan, presumably ...

    GAUMONT GRAPHICGreat Britain

    "EMPIRE DAY: Children's celebrations at Buckingham Street School, King's Cross" (8). Mid shot of children dressed as warriors in an Empire day procession - girls with Union Jacks as skirts and a boy carrying a shield ...


    Prince of Wales' tour of India in 1921-1922, including the opening of the Delhi Durbar (16/2/1922) and a visit to Calcutta December 1921.

    "Patna. The President of the Council asks permission of HRH to open the Durbar".

    "The Prince declares ...


    Amateur footage of mountain battery on mule back - officers and snipers on mountain top - assembling field gun.


    This film is a record of two trips by the director to the Torres Strait Islands, and to Papua in 1920-21 and 1922-23.