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    United States of America

    START 10:00:00 Film title and intertitles "At Algiers on September 6, 1943, General Eisenhower and Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham assigned me to witness the surrender of the Italian fleet... Departing from Malta the evening of ...


    START 00:00:00 Scenes filmed in slow motion during a practice gunnery shoot off Scapa Flow, possibly 16 June 1943: a gunnery officer (?) scanning the sea through a pair of binoculars on the bridge of HMS Nelson, a cloud of cordite drifting by as the ...


    START 00:00:01 Panning shots of the naval anchorage at Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria, April (?) 1943: there are several tank landing ships (LSTs), a U or V Class destroyer armed with four twin 4-inch guns moored alongside the ex-cruiser turned fleet repair ...


    I. "Bomber Assault - Bostons hit Valenciennes": Daylight aerial shots show British bombs falling on the assembly sheds, forges, and steel foundries of Valenciennes.

    II. "Mr Churchill Returns from Moscow": the first meeting between the ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Sergeant Leslie Brower, a signaller in the 2nd Battalion Royal Horse Artillery, records military action in the Western Desert during the Eighth Army offensive of 1942, then off-duty scenes ...


    (In colour) March 1943. A C-47 lands on airfield (probably Port Darwin). Royal Australian Navy sailors around aircraft. CU on fuselage, 'Guinea Airways - Royal Mail'. With view from the aircraft cockpit, the C-47 takes off. Various air-to-ground ...


    I. "Three-Power Conference in North Africa": Churchill calls at Malta, then proceeds to Cairo to meet President Roosevelt, Chiang Kai-Shek, and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, November, 1943.

    II. "Prison Ship on the Rocks": A ship carrying Germans ...


    I. "The Russian Front": aerial strafing of German columns and railways in snowy conditions on the way to Kastornoe.

    II. "More air attacks on Italy": A bombing raid on Rome (short, badly cut).

    III. "Forest Fire in America": blazing ...


    START 00:00:00 Scenes on HMS Nelson whilst en route for North Africa for Operation 'Torch': an officer from No. 9 Army Commando and stores on the main deck. At Gibraltar, ratings line up with brooms and placards with ironic, humorous messages and ...


    Amateur film with titles shot by "Jack" Collier, double bass in Geraldo's Orchestra, records scenes in Cairo and Jerusalem, members of the dance band and female singers relaxing and Burman impersonating Mussolini speaking from a balcony, during ENSA ...


    Amateur film shot by British Army Kinema Unit operator Sergeant Roy Lister records the construction from palm trunks and fronds of a 35mm projection cinema (Empire Super Cinema), with detailed views of projectionist lacing up, Indian troops (14th/5th ...


    Amateur film shot by British Army Kinema Unit operator Sergeant Roy Lister records scenes of local life in Colombo, Gordon Gardens, fire fighters tackling an oil conflagration in the docks [either Colombo or Trincomalee, and caused by a spark from an ...