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    I. 'KING OF YUGOSLAVIA ARRIVES IN M.E.' King Peter of Yugoslavia reviews units of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force and Royal Yugoslav Navy at port facilities in Alexandria, Egypt. King Peter, dressed in Royal Yugoslav Air Force uniform, reviews a guard ...


    I. 'TANKS- AUSTRALIAN MADE.' Interior footage shows various stages in the production of Australian Sentinel AC I and III cruiser tanks. Male factory workers manhandle a castor mounted vat of molten steel to a casting furnace. Molten steel is poured ...


    I. 'STRONG ARM OF THE RAF.' A large assembled crowd of Royal Air Force (RAF) personnel pose for photographs in front of a parked and chocked Avro Lancaster bomber aircraft. A fuel bowser and tractor with bomb train are also evident in the foreground. ...


    I. 'THE ROYAL FAMILY OF PERSIA.' A soldier of the Imperial Iranian Army stands guard in the grounds of a newly constructed modernist style Royal palace (Art Deco ?) that displays little of the ornamentation normally associated with traditional ...


    I. 'EGYPT.' The national flags of the United States of America and Yugoslavia fly at Heliopolis Airport (Cairo) during an aircraft presentation ceremony attended by King Peter of Yugoslavia and Major-General Royce, Commander United States Army Air ...


    I. 'BLITZING GERMAN AIRFIELDS.' An officer of the United States Army Air Force (USAAF) watches a Martin B-26 Marauder bomber aircraft from the 456th Bomb Squadron of the 323rd Bomb Group take off as he walks his Great Dane dog in the vicinity of the ...


    I. 'ENGLAND-ATS BIRTHDAY PARADE.' A large contingent of Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) personnel stand to attention on a barrack square (Wellington Barracks ?) prior to marching to Buckingham Palace for a parade in celebration of the fifth ...


    I. 'WOMEN WHO SERVE THE GUNS.' Australian civilian architects (male) orientate themselves from blue prints at a construction site where a modern munitions factory is being built. A train pulled by steam locomotive (3112) arrives at an unidentified ...


    I. 'MID EAST-FIELD MARSHAL SMUTS VISITS CAIRO.' Field Marshal Jan C Smuts (South African Premier) sits on a bench in the garden of the British Embassy in Cairo, in the company of Lord and Lady Killearn (Sir Miles and Mrs Lampson) and their children ...


    I. 'BLITZING GERMAN AIRFIELDS.' This item duplicates Item I of WPN 133.

    II. 'ITALY DAY BY DAY.' This item duplicates Item II of WPN 133.

    III. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' This item duplicates Item III of WPN 133.

    IV. 'RUSSIA.' This item ...


    I. 'ATLANTIC CONVOY.' This item duplicates Item IV of WPN 134.

    II. 'NEW GUINEA- JUNGLE PARATROOPS.' This item duplicates Item V of WPN 134.

    III. 'NEW ROAD NOW LINKS U.S.' Map of Canada and Alaska shows the newly constructed road (AlCan ...


    I. 'SMASHING GERMAN WAR TARGETS.' This item duplicates Item IV of WPN 135.

    II. 'NEWS OF THE WAR IN ITALY.' United States (US) Fifth Army engineers operate distillation equipment using sea water taken from the Bay of Naples. A British Army ...