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    Kendal Collection

    Tank Trials within military camp. Tanks tested first in camp grounds then in open country. Crossing river & climbing river banks. Tanks sometimes fail. All actions watched over by English officers. Trail of large military car and lorry ...

    Kendal Collection

    India, Kandahar and North West Frontier 1932. Most of this footage replicates 1997/153/034

    Production / Donor Details: These films were shot by Colonel John Hamilton Bernard Peyton (Indian Army).

    Kendal Collection

    Sikh procession to commemorate the Death of Guru Arjan dev si Maharaj,

    Rawalpindi City, 8th June 1932. Colourful street activities. Sword fighting. Water sellers. Street market. Bear wrestling.

    Production / ...

    Kendal Collection

    Military parade for the celebration of King's Birthday 1933. March past of Indian troops. Military vehicles drive past. 3 cheers by troops. Visit of King of Greece to Chaklala Military Camp in 1935. King's tour of inspection with ...

    Kendal Collection

    Car Journey from Rawpindi to Bombay. Views of Indore, Tapeti ferry crossing, Nasik, Beach Candy, Lido resort, swimming lessons for the baby. Young boy soldiers marching along wintery English lane. Large family reunion in England ...

    Kendal Collection

    Large social picnics for Europeans carrying on life just as though in England. Bombay waterfront from the sea. Visit by Naval gunboat. Holiday on offshore island. The very busy commercial traffic carried on by Indian ocean-going ...

    Kendal Collection

    Indian festival of Banpati at Chowpatty, Bombay. Street processions with images of gods carried aloft. Riverside crowds entering waters. Committal of the images to the sea. Crowds celebrating in the sea with the images. 'The Coconut ...

    Kendal Collection

    Society English wedding in India. Bride's family, in garden receive newspaper with notice of wedding & celebrate. Large number of European wedding guests arrive outside Bombay Anglican church. Inside church - the wedding ceremony. ...


    Amateur film, taken in Lahore, showing prayers in the Badashahi mosque and a view of the fort and a Sikh tomb.


    Baden-Powell opens Boy Scout swimming pool at Walton, Lahore. Swimming and life-saving. Kunhar river. Kagan valley. Views around Balakot "a good sample of frontier huddled town". Indian children work a well. Khaki motor terminus; loading kit on mules. ...


    Government House Garden Party, March 1938: guests and gardens. The Gorrie family garden at '15 Golf Road', with the young Donald Gorrie (donor) showing the viewer around the garden. (B/W) Group walking around Shalimar Old Moghul Garden and Shahdara, ...


    Muharram (Islamic month of mourning) procession through Lahore bazaar, crowded streets and buildings. Changa Manga tramway with children playing on a trolley car. Gymkhana children's party with costumes, merry-go-rounds, camel rides and the "Punjabi ...