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    Unedited colour material shot by an official RAF cameraman of Baltimores, Bostons and Spitfires, including air to air footage and some shots of Malta.

    The first sequence is of a Baltimore squadron in N Africa, ...


    Reel 1: Low angle medium close-up of (British or Australian?) prisoners of war (POWs), one of whom is a sergeant. A staff car passes flying a Japanese pennant; the rear window is open and a Japanese senior officer (general?) looks at the camera. ...


    I. '100 EDITION.' British Minister of State for the Middle East R G Casey introduces this retrospective edition, which traces the course of the war so far, placing events in the context of Churchill's "bold plan of Mediterranean strategy. Men of the ...


    I. 'TANK BUSTERS.' Royal Air Force (RAF) ground crews replace the aerodynamic fairing on a 40mm Vickers Type S gun mounted under the wing of a Hawker Hurricane Mk IID fighter/ground attack aircraft. The commentary introduces the new mark of Hurricane ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' King George VI is piped aboard HMS King George V during a visit to the Home Fleet at Scapa Flow in March 1943. The King is met by Admiral Sir John Tovey, Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet, who introduces him to the ship's officers ...


    I. 'RUSSIA.' (Titling superimposed over image of spinning globe) Supermarine Spitfire Mk VB fighter aircraft stand parked and chocked at an undisclosed Middle East airfield (Hapmat, March 1943 ?) as attendant Royal Air Force (RAF) ground crews ...


    Malta Strikes Back.

    I. 'MALTA STRIKES BACK.' Titling is superimposed over the Royal Air Force crest. A close up of the front page of "The Egyptian Gazette" shows an article written by Sir Stafford Cripps, British ...


    Unconditional Surrender - Tunisia.

    I. 'UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER TUNISIA.' [Reel One] General Sir Harold R.L.G Alexander (in B-3 shearling leather flying jacket) chats to Air Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham outside a ...


    I. 'ALLIES WEEK OPENS IN CAIRO.' R.G. Casey, Minister of State Resident in the Middle East, addresses a large crowd of gathered dignitaries in the gardens of the Anglo-Egyptian Union in Cairo. The event is described as being held in honour of five ...


    Pacific Front - Ninth Division Captures Australia.

    I. 'PACIFIC FRONT-NINTH DIVISION CAPTURES AUSTRALIA.' An item covering the return of the Australian Ninth Division to their homeland and the ensuing celebrations ...


    I. 'NORTH AFRICA.' The commentary introduces an item on the visit of King George VI to Tunis (June 12 1943) notable as being the first flight made abroad by an English Sovereign during wartime. King George VI is driven along a Tunis Street in an open ...


    I. 'FAR EAST.' A mule train supplying General Chiang Kai-shek Chinese Nationalist troops travels from India into China. The commentary explains that since the loss of Burma it has been a major problem for the Allies to reopen a supply route into ...