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    ACHIMOTA 1945

    Gives a picture of the daily life of men and women native students at Achimota College on the Gold Coast, with a commentary written and spoken by Dr. Julian Huxley.


    Survey of the Zionist side of the problem of the occupation of Palestine.


    "The Xmas Spirit with our friends from overseas". Karachi Christmas rodeo for American servicemen. Canadians in Bombay adopting native children - Canadians invite Indian children to Christmas meal.

    "Kar Seva in Patiala" ...


    For a detailed shotlist, contact NFTVA. Items include NEWS FROM THE CONTINENT THE CAMBRIDGESHIRE NEWS FROM THE EAST


    Amateur film. Indian cavalry; parade ground at Trivandrum; Cape Comorin - Europeans on boat trip, scenes of waterways.


    Amateur film. A journey from Sumatra via Java, Malaya, Sarawak, Java and Sabah to Malaya.

    Black and white. Starts with a map of Sumatra and Borneo showing the route from Sabang (Sumatra) to Deli (Java). Native ferry(?) boat on river in tropical ...


    Amateur film. Col. and Mrs. Lord's garden at Jhelum, 1940; arrival of 2nd Battalion Baluch Regiment, Karachi, September 1945; Lord's home, military lines 1940-3; Karachi - house, garden, servants.


    A survey of the influence of the common people on history told through music and song; the Peasant's Revolt, the Levellers, the Diggers, the Luddites and the Chartists. Includes actuality footage of the dockers march on Tower Hill and Liverpool ...


    Overview of the history and work of the London Missionary Society in four sections. Includes narrative on the origins and pioneers of the Society, and scenes of various aspects of missions work in the different regions - Africa, Madagascar, India, ...

    Layard Collection

    Layard family leave in Europe. Scotland Family with relatives & details of pre-war country life. Gibraltar from the sea. Deck sports on ocean liner, Italy. Brittany. Scottish mountains and lakes,

    Production / Donor ...

    Roach Collection

    Scenes at home in Seychelles: swimming. Ocean voyage. Suez canal. Rough seas.