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    Allied Military Government

    I. Munich: the famous glockenspiel in the Town Hall tower working again.

    II. 'London fetes its heroes'. The RAF flypast (led by Douglas Bader); also film of Trafalgar Square, with V weapons on display; Attlee speaks (' ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. De Gaulle tours French-occupied zone of Germany, visiting Saarbrcken, Mainz etc, viewing remains of Westwall, and returning by launch across Rhine.

    II. Report from Japan. a. Nagasaki A-bomb explosion. b. Hiroshima and ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. US aircraft carriers. a. Launching of USS Oriskany. b. Return of USS Ticonderoga to enthusiastic welcome in San Francisco.

    II. Bavarian workshop resumes production of wooden toy animals.

    III. England: gales and ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. Allies capture Mandalay.Film of air strikes and street fighting; soldiers and locals fraternise; Lord Mountbatten.

    II. Film of German surrenders. German surrenders at Caserta, at Lneburg Heath (Montgomery, Friedeburg ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. Southampton: the liner Queen Elizabeth in drydock for complete overhaul.

    II. Hamburg: Typhus epidemic precautions, disinfection of suspect houses, research and mass inoculation.

    III. Vienna: France v Austria at ...


    Documentary on the religious life in Jerusalem during the time of Christ.

    Great Britain

    A film produced in West Africa in order to show how, by sensible conduct and precautionary measures in the home, you can prevent the spread of the disease.

    Great Britain

    Shows all stages in the cultivation of tea in Nyasaland.


    Scenes from the service conducted by His Lordship the Bishop of Accra at Bukom Square, Accra, Ghana.

    Great Britain, Ghana

    A film which shows the primitive conditions of the people of the northern region of the Gold Coast. It shows how a government plant to improve the cattle is working with the co-operation of the people.