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    Lumberman's campaign to find and destroy a renegade white man who is leader of ferocious native tribe which terrorises an area in E. Africa.


    MAPOLISA 1954


    Young African witnesses a pocket picking and helps the police, is impressed by the police and decides to join. He undergoes training and is seen on patrol in the bush.

    Great Britain

    The Canopus touching down in Montego Bay; the visit to Kingston, the American n naval reception at Panama; the enthusiasm of the people.

    Great Britain

    COMPILATION. Collection of `newsfilm' stories located on Orkney.

    [No title] Crowds in street with pipers; man addresses crowd; scenes in Kirkwall (post World War One); convoy of cars parked in street; small boys before camera; band ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film about the building of the Kariba Dam and its effect on the lives of the local people.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films ...


    Mute unedited film apparently relating to the relief of the West Kents by the Hampshires in Western Pahang in January 1954 during the Malayan Emergency.

    The film covers three events. I. A parade by troops of the ...


    Film showing the importance of Yong Peng, with particular emphasis on the contrast between past, present and future.

    The film begins by explaining how this thriving village was once a trouble spot plagued by ...


    WORRY FREE 1954


    Film explaining the merits of the Malayan Federation's Employee's Provident Fund.

    Many happy families, such as the Wongs, can afford to look after their aging parents, but many people without support have to beg. ...


    Fifth film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This film illustrates the war in the desert and the desert air force.

    Since World War One the Middle East has been ...


    Sixth film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This episode shows the strength of Combined Operations.

    The film shows: attempts to break into Norway; Objective Dieppe ...


    Seventh film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This episode shows the war in the Far East, indicating Japan's growing involvement and strength.

    The film shows that ...


    MAU MAU 1954 enhanced entry

    South Africa

    The background to the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya and steps being taken to suppress it.

    The film opens with dramatised footage of a village being burned and its inhabitants slaughtered by Mau Mau terrorists. ...