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    Amateur film shot by REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) artificer Warrant Officer Richard Elliott while serving in Belize records Scout helicopter flights over the Caribbean coastline and into the jungle on exercise and for medical ...


    A record of the celebrations organised for the independence of Papua New Guinea 16th September 1975.

    Village life, history of the people and colonisation. A brass band. An interview with a German settler. Archive footage of missionary work and ...


    Recruiting film for the Royal Navy/WRNS, featuring the guided missile destroyer HMS Sheffield, and and WRENs on Gibraltar, showing the interrelationship between the Ratings and Officers on board and the WRENs involved in shoreside support. Film ...


    A film showing Ian Smith's address to Rhodesia on his 'new initiative' to bring Africans into government. The Prime Minister the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith - Ian Smith is seen seated at a microphone and talks about the "Communist aim of controlling ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Rhodesia - do white Rhodesians want a settlement with the black nationalists? Includes an interview with Joshua Nkomo.

    The government and the revolt of 37 left-wing MPs over public expenditure plans. Includes a ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Thames TV, 1968-92]

    The affect of Mr. Smith's announcement of majority rule within two years on white rhodesians. Includes an interview with the Bishop of Umtali.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    Denis Mitchell talks to some of the Rhodesians, both black and white, he met on his journey through the country and tries to assess the mood of the country.

    Great Britain

    Duncan Carse revisits South Georgia where he was marooned fifteen years ago. After a freak tidal wave washed away his home he had to live in a tent and survive for five months before being rescued.

    Rhodesia Collection

    A film about the 1st Battalion, R.L.I. (Rhodesian Light Infantry), featuring a regimental open day and the Unit on exercise in the Eastern Highlands.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the ...

    Dudley Collection

    Scenes in the Solomon Islands

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Dudley joined the Colonial Office after WW2 and was sent to Nigeria, initially to carry out a land survey assessing the damage done to agricultural land by tin mining ...

    Dudley Collection

    Scenes in the Solomon Islands

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Dudley joined the Colonial Office after WW2 and was sent to Nigeria, initially to carry out a land survey assessing the damage done to agricultural land by tin mining ...


    Three reels of mute footage of delegates arriving for sessions of the 1976 Geneva Conference on Rhodesia.

    (Reel 1) Seen giving statements (at some length) are Ivor Richard, Ian Smith, Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, ...


    The film appears to cover some of the events leading up to the Geneva Conference of 1976.

    Kissinger descends from a Zambia Airways plane. He enters a house. Smith arrives. Footage of a speech at the United Nations ...

    John Smith Collection

    1: Domestic scenes during Christmas in Honiara, the Solomon Islands.

    2: Family on holiday in England, in the hills & amongst sheep. 3: Scenes in the Gilbert & Ellice Islands, including The Queen's Birthday Regatta, a School ...


    TE KORERO 1976


    This film, which is part musical, part documentary, tells some of the stories of the South Seas, entirely in the words and music of the Pacific peoples themselves.


    The duties of a detachment of 663 Squadron Army Air Corps during a 4-month tour in Belize, with particular reference to the hazards of operating in humid climate and mountainous jungle terrain.


    Content information copied from SSVC ...


    To give troops and their wives an insight into the life, conditions of service, accommodation and amenities in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the associated New Territories.


    Summary: Content information copied from SSVC Army Film & Video ...

    Great Britain

    The future of Belize, former British colony of British Honduras.


    PACIFIC 77 1977

    Great Britain

    Follows the procedures of a 2 week conference in the Solomon Islands, organised by the Pacific Conference of Churches and Melanesian Council of Churches, which examines the particular issues which are of relevance to the Pacific region, ...


    Period film, set against the annexation of the kingdom of Avadh by the British in 1856.


    RHODESIA 1977

    BRASS TACKSGreat Britain

    An issue of the BBC current affairs programme, looking at the situation in Rhodesia.

    Sweden, Zimbabwe

    A musical passion play, performed by students from Kwanongoma College of Music and United College of Education, Bulawayo. Sung in a local dialect and filmed at Serima Mission, Zimbabwe, Easter 1976.


    Amateur film shot by Major Tony Scott of the 1st Battalion Staffordshire Regiment while serving in Belize shows air activity by Puma and Scout helicopters, and Hawker Harrier jets, during joint Army-RAF exercises in the jungle shortly after the ...


    One of a series of twelve short films, showing widely varied aspects of the personal and social consequences of the abuse of alcohol. The films are constructed around the message 'Think When You Drink'. A young Petty Officer with a promising career ...


    An interview with Lord Carver who would be responsible on Britain's behalf for implementing the Anglo-American settlement in Rhodesia, if accepted.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    A follow-up to WORLD IN ACTION: LIABLE TO PROSECUTION about Shell and BP's involvement in illegal oil exports to Rhodesia. Looks more closely at the smokescreens used to try and cover up the sanctions breach. The history of ...

    Great Britain

    Film shot in Zimbabwe and in a transit camp in Botswana during 1977. Concentrates on the views of ordinary people.


    Shows the sights and sounds of Hong Kong


    An inside account of the struggle waged by FRELIMO against Portuguese colonialism. Also relates the support given to Portugal by the Smith regime in Rhodesia and its continued military attacks on civilian targets in Mozambique following that ...

    EVERYMANGreat Britain

    Documentary about the Christian position in the Rhodesian war. There are Christians supporting both sides - is the Christian message political or above politics? The black leaders in the conflict, including Robert Mugabe, ...




    A documentary looking at Rhodesian techniques for "seeding" clouds to create rainfall. It includes various shots of different types of clouds and looks at why and how clouds form and why rain does not always occur. Failure of the rains causes ...


    RHODESIA 1978

    DON'T QUOTE MEGreat Britain

    A consideration of the British press coverage of the war in Rhodesia.

    Great Britain, USA

    Adventure story about cowardice versus bravery among British soldiers in the 1880s.

    MONEY PROGRAMMEGreat Britain

    The 500th edition of the programme features stories from tax havens around the world. William Davis is in the Cayman Islands; Paul Griffiths in the New Hebrides; Brian Widlake, the Bahamas and James Bellini in Campione, the ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    The Rhodesian Army in operation against Nationalist guerillas.


    Sir Henry Curtis, Allan Quatermain and Captain Goode set of to explore the unexplored regions of darkest Africa. Many dangers befall the group in search of treasure - Savage natives, volcanic eruptions, giant prehistoric ...

    CREDOGreat Britain

    Reports on the World Council of Churches' dilemma over whether to give money to the Patriotic Front, whose guerillas have been accused for recent atrocities in Rhodesia.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    The first of two programmes which aim to show that top Shell and BP executives may have committed criminal offences through their involvement in keeping Rhodesia supplied with oil, thus breaking the sanctions imposed by the ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film on Rhodesia's history and the reasons for UDI and the Internal Settlement. Contains war footage. many stills of early Rhodesian settlers, pictures of early towns and businesses. Also includes pictures of the railway and the ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    A Rhodesian Corps of Chaplains film on the nature of the communist backed terrorist war. Contains very unpleasant footage of terrorist atrocities. Begins with burning hut and caption: 'A Military Operations Area in Rhodesia 1978'. ...

    Bolland Collection

    A video made for Steel Brothers from original 35mm film to record their timber operations in the forests of Burma in the 1930s and 1940s.

    Production / Donor Details: David Bolland filmed his collection in India between 1952 and ...


    The Triad gangs and the heroin trade in Hong Kong. This material was reused and updated in SMACK CITY (13/07/96).


    Second in a series of nine programmes showing the work of the Royal Hong Kong Police, filmed over a three month period during the summer of 1977. The heroin drug trade.