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    RAF film on the aircraft and role of Transport Command.

    The film shows how aircraft such as the Bristol Britannia, Blackburn Beverley, Handley Page Hastings, De Havilland Comet and Armstrong Whitworth Argosy were ...


    Part of Command Activities Series


    Content information copied from SSVC RAF Catalogue of Training Films & Video Tapes 1989


    Report examines Gibraltar's precarious economic situation and the Rock's strategic importance to Britain.

    Too small for industry, declining in importance as a passenger and trade sea-port, dependent on hostile Spain ...


    The Duke of Edinburgh's South American tour.

    Specific aim of tour was to discover opportunities for British business in this potentially wealthy continent which Britain helped develop last century, but which has ...


    Kenya government's Land Development and Settlement Board scheme to encourage Africans to return to the land and farm small five to ten acre plots is forcing large landowners in scheduled areas to sell up . Two such farmers, an English settler living ...


    Report from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, follows the apparently similar working day of a middle-class white, a butcher, and a middle-class African, a brewery representative, then lets a group of whites and a group of ...


    Report on "Operation Noah" and on efforts to tackle another ecological problem created by the construction of the Kariba Dam, the spread of a floating water fern.

    Wildlife is being stranded on small islands behind ...


    British forces deliver supplies to inhabitants of Perim Island.

    British Army unit in Bedford trucks, on training patrol in Western Aden Protectorate, takes time off to deliver Christmas gifts to the impoverished ...

    Great Britain

    Shows the long-term side of Oxfams's work through the example of Basutoland, whe re Oxfam is financing farmer training and other agricultural improvement project s Problem of soil erosion and farmers ignorance. How modern ideas and ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Bob's Your Uncle - Mark 2 - signwriter and his one man band have a new caravan! Iron Age Relics - Zewa village. Snake Man - first black snake handler. Thicker Than Water - appeal for blood donors. What ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Reflecting Current Events - production process of the "MufuliraMirror". Champions of the Plough - ploughing competition, Lord Dalhousie attends. "Willingly To School" - primary school in Arcadia run by German ...

    Central African Federation

    Report on the secession of Nyasaland from the Central African Federation, with a particular look at its economic potential.