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    Great Britain

    Jim Hodgson, managing director of British Telecom International, introduces the role of the cable ship `Iris' which was requisitioned during the Falklands crisis of 1982. Actuality footage, reconstructions and interviews with the crews are ...

    FIRST TUESDAYGreat Britain

    Series of programmes which feature a variety of documentaries from the UK and abroad.

    Great Britain

    Review of the tour by the queen of the West Coast of the North American continen t.


    First in a series of four Army films giving an account of the battle for the Falkland Islands from the personal viewpoints of people involved, including officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in addition to Army ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A specially extended edition of TV EYE on the Falklands, at the end of week six of the crisis. First, Peter Gill's report from New York looks at the attempts of British diplomats (in particular Sir Nicholas Henderson, British ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    The Falklands crisis: report from Argentina on the hardening ofattitudes, and on the latest moves at the United Nations


    Documentary which looks at the events on South Georgia after invasion by the Argentinian forces had caused wildlife camera team Cindy Buxton and Annie Price to be cut off from the UK. The film features footage of wildlife ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the growing problems which the UK is encountering over the disputed ownership of the Falkland Islands with an interview with the new Foreign Secretary, Francis Pym.


    GANDHI 1982

    Great Britain, India, USA

    Biopic of famed Indian lawyer and activist Mahatma Gandhi, whose methods of non-violent protest against the British Empire led to him becoming a popular leader until his assassination in 1948.

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    Report on the Falklands crisis. Llew Gardner reports from Downing Street and Julian Manyon reports from Argentina. Denis Tuohy leads a studio debate with Falkland Islanders living in Britain. Includes a clip of General Alfredo Saint ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A report on how the growing conflict in the Falklands is affecting people in Britain. Peter Gill reports from the UN with an interview with Sir Anthony Parsons.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the statement in the House of Commons special session on Saturday April 3rd by the prime minister which may have committed the UK to war over the Falklands with Argentina. With an interview with Defence minister ...