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    Deserted city of Fatehpur, shots around and about including white marble tomb of Salim Christi. Sir Malcolm Hailey, the governor of the Punjab, at Chini. Repairing road for the visit. Carving out stone to widen cliff-top road. Celebration at Pangi ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Colonel Mackenzie Rogan inspects Indian bands ready for the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley (52ft).

    Great Britain

    Unedited material on India showing local scenes and European educationalists or missionaries.

    Great Britain

    AMATEUR. Scenes in an Indian wildlife park.

    A couple, in colonial style clothes, stand behind a tapir. The man strokes and pats the animal (17) [slight jump in film]. The same couple stand on a river bank with another, similarly ...

    Great Britain
    Great Britain

    Indian and European men and women on back of elephant; dead stag being tied onto an elephant; group photograph back at camp - European hunter and family pose in front of elephants and mahouts; party setting out again; dead leopard; another ...

    Great Britain

    DRAMA. Two prospectors in New Guinea, both in love with the same girl, are captured by head hunters, one escapes and betrays his friend to win the girl.

    rl.1 Peter Mack and his daughter Eleanor live on a plantation in New Guinea. He lends a map ...


    JUTE 1923 has video enhanced entry

    Great Britain

    The film show the day to day running of the Titaghur Jute company, which is in Bengal on the banks of the river Hooghly. Opening shot 360 degree pan of industrial buildings. 7000 Indian workers are employed, mostly women and children. ...


    KASHGAR: 2 1927


    Amateur film of Lucknow. Wrestlers; Sikh troops training; unloading and assembling gun at speed; river scenes; saw pit.


    KASHGAR: 3 1927


    Amateur film. Journey undertaken by George Sherriff from (?)Gilgit to Kashgar. Carriers; scenery; fording river; Kirghiz weaving; parade of soldiers; bazaar scenes; reception, feasting.

    Great Britain

    Amateur film showing Kashmir, Kabul, a yogi hanging over a fire, the Shan States and leg rowers on Inle lake.

    No titles. A potter at work in Kashmir (42). Street scene in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan (64). An entrance gate to ...