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    AMATEUR FILM. Recording plane journey from Calcutta to the Persian Gulf.

    The arrival of a Dutch Air Mail plane in Calcutta (21). Plane refueling (47). Aerial views and Indians gathered around plane (61). Arrival of plane at Jodhpor, people ...

    Great Britain

    AMATEUR FILM. Recording plane journey across the Middle East region.

    Aerial views of unidentified towns and countryside along the River Tigris, the town of Kut (91). The River Tigris and Baghdad, street scenes in Baghdad and a hall ...


    AMATEUR. Footage of a journey aboard the SS Maloja from Bombay to Plymouth via, Aden, the Suez Canal, Port Said, Messina, and Gibraltar.

    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. Indians gathering honey from trees.

    L.S. man in top branches of a tree lowering a basket of honey to the ground (16). An Indian, at the foot of the tree, throws a rope into the branches. The honey gatherer climbs up the ...

    Great Britain

    Scenes of Hong Kong including: the harbour; Kowloon Pier (incl. 3 shots of President Hoover); junks in the harbour; city of Victoria; the main commercial streets; city business area; European residential district; the Public Gardens; and ...


    Scenes in Hong Kong including: Official opening of Hong Kong Bank; Romany Fair in St. Andrews Church grounds (1936); Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph (1936); Proclamation of the accession of George VI. Compiled in April 1937 and rearranged in March 1938 ...


    Scenes of the damage caused by a typhoon in August 1936: at the waterfront; in the city; at Kowloon Football Ground; the sea wall at Lia Chi Kok; the Chinese cruiser "Hai Chow" aground; the bathing beach at Ting Kau.

    Great Britain

    AMATEUR FILM. Views over harbour. Woman cleaning wooden oar on jetty. Boats coming into harbour. Two small boys playing jacks. Men asleep in wicker basket. Men using winch to unload wooden crates from a boat. Crates loaded and transported ...


    Amateur film. Shots of wild Markhor and bison; walking tour and expedition.

    Hallward Collection

    Four reels on VHS: reel 1. Packing up car for journey to Sirenugar(sic)...the poplar tree approach...Indians sawing up logs...picnic...Views of Gulmerg. Reel

    2: Views of Srenugar(sic)...Guest House No.3...Indian Village... ...

    Hartgill Collection

    Montage of life in Simla. Colonial English life in a hill station resort which was the summer residence of The Viceroy.

    Production / Donor Details: The collection of films was shot by Major General William Clavering Hartgill ...