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    I. Long shots of explosions and a fire in a paddy field, filmed from behind some trees. Another view over paddy fields panning past a set of football goal posts.

    II. Atmospheric, semi-silhouette dawn shots by the lake at Meiktila, showing ...


    Magwe, Burma, 23 February 1942. Aircraft and personnel of RAF Squadron 113. Aircrew in the back of a lorry driving to Bristol Blenheim Mk IV aircraft. Various self-conscious shots of aircrew fastening themselves into their parachutes and climbing in ...


    Burma, 19 March 1942. Long shots of the Myotha Hills. Various shots of Burmese civilians driving bullock carts along a dirt road. View over along the Ava Bridge. Cars passing the a manned, gated checkpoint. View of the bridge from a protective machine ...


    American Volunteer Group (AVG), Magwe, Burma, 23 March 1942. Prescott, a member of AVG ground crew refuelling a Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk fighter aircraft. Shot of the nose of a Tomahawk airplane focusing on the painted sharks teeth design. Brief shot of ...


    Magwe, Burma, 24 March 1942. Various long shots of formations of Japanese aircraft in the sky. Unsteady long shots of various aircraft in flight (Allied and Japanese) shot through trees.

    Burma, near Leppadan (Letpadan) on the Prome Road, 24 March ...


    I. Burma, late March 1942. Men of the 1st Battalion Gloucester Regiment climb into a wooden-sided truck. Shots of the moving truck from another moving vehicle. Troops waving at the camera from the rear of the truck (one making the thumbs-up sign and ...


    Irrawaddy river, Burma, 1 Apil 1942. View of various small civilian boats on the Irrawaddy, including "Sunlight". Wooden boom across the river. Men at work on the construction of the boom. Various small civilian boats including "Cameo". Portrait shot ...


    Delhi airport, Delhi, India, 12 June 1942. View over airfield control tower to aircraft in the sky. View over roof of car with Union flag to aircraft in the sky. Shot of airfield control tower with sandbag defences, across the airfield. Douglas C-47 ...


    The world in the 3rd year of war - a mixture of caution ("Today our world faces its greatest danger") and determination ("Preparing for the attack which must come").

    Film stresses the global nature of the war, and ...


    Opening titles - "Today the destiny of nations depends on their possession of the metals vital in war". Film outlines Canada's contribution to the Allied war effort with both raw minerals in the 'Great ...


    CHINA 1942


    A sympathetic look at "the storm centre of the war in the Far East".

    Reel 1 explains China's geography and culture, concentrating on 20th century history of efforts by Sun Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-shek to modernise ...


    German newsreel presents first screening of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong and the victory parade through the latter.

    On board a Japanese aircraft carrier in the Pacific, Nakajima B5N2 torpedo ...