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    Amateur film shot by Captain Clifford Williams (Sikh Regiment) when a junior staff officer with the Punjab Boundary Force, attached to 11th Infantry Brigade, records the eastward movement of Hindu refugees across the ...


    BBC cameraman David Prosser provides the commentary for the film he shot of the flight by RAF Lancaster to within 900 miles of the North Pole, an "important landmark in the work of the Empire Air Navigation School".



    (Reel 1) Two Army Kinema Corporation (AKC) representatives and two Royal Engineers (RE) introduce each other and discuss a proposed army training film about sappers' tasks. The engineers want to use real footage to contextualise these tasks. A chart ...


    A military training film emphasising the importance of keeping fit through exercise.

    (Reel 1) L/S of queues for the Skylark boat in Southend, ice cream van, beaches, swimming, boys hurdling and sprinting. A couple ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. India. Mountbatten, accompanied by his wife, arrives in Delhi to take over as Viceroy. Airport ceremonies (Nehru); Mountbatten visits his predecessor Wavell and is visited by Gandhi (conversation during walk in garden ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. International Youth Congress in Munich. Delegates accommodated in Hotel City (converted bunker); conference scenes, with notable guests including Andr Gide (who later speaks) and Ernst Wiechert; proceedings opened by Harry ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. Research in bees and beekeeping at institute near Celle.

    II. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. General Keating opens 'Biennial Exposition' in US Zone of Berlin: some of the stands (trade, 'CARE' packets, information ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. Miners at the Achenbach pit receive CARE parcels (100,000 from US Zone) as incentive/reward. b. Frankfurt's Burgermeister awards Goethe prize for philosophy to Karl Jaspers. c. Wrttemberg ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. "Small change once more." Introductory shots of German shoppers using postage stamps for small change owing to shortage of coin; Bavarian Minister President Ehard and US Governor Van Wagoner at Munich mint start up presses, ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. Factory in Germany produces "5 million pairs of spectacles every year": quite good film of lens cutting, grinding, mounting etc.

    II. Nicaragua: South America's largest gold field maintained by air link with outside ( ...


    Documentary on the religious life in Jerusalem during the time of Christ.

    Great Britain

    A film produced in West Africa in order to show how, by sensible conduct and precautionary measures in the home, you can prevent the spread of the disease.