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    Amateur film shot by British Army Kinema Unit operator Sergeant Roy Lister records scenes of Indian street life (street barbers, pavement artistes, devil worship) in Bombay and Madras, and shows British servicemen on leave.


    Amateur film shot by Commander James C Elliot RNVR, while serving in the Mediterranean, records a distant view of King George VI touring bomb-damaged Malta on his visit in June 1943, and shows eight 20mm anti-aircraft pom-poms firing.


    Air to air training shots filmed from the pilot's perspective at RAF Hornchurch in 1943. Pilot is C.J.S. Howard of 559 Squadron.


    Summary: C.J.S. Howard joined the Royal Air Force in 1941. Brief details of his military service as ...


    I. "LAE AND HUON PENINSULA. 9TH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION TRANSPORTED AND SUPPLIED BY UNITS OF 7TH US AMPHIBIOUS FORCE." General views of convoy in line off New Guinea. Landing beach - landing ships (including LST 475, LST 457 and LST 456) disembark their ...

    United States of America

    Calcutta. Ceylon. Tea picking. Coconut collecting. Water well. Kandy. "The End."

    United States of America

    "Universal Pictures Presents a Popular Variety View" Agricultural workers. Growing rice. Preparing food. Trip to market. Dental posters in English. Various stalls. Ploughing. Water from ox driven well. "Buy war bond and ...

    United States of America

    "Universal Pictures Presents a Popular Variety View" Delhi. Leader Newspsers Ltd building. Snake charmers. Ganges. Ajanta. Jodhpur. School. Taj Mahal. "Buy war bond and stamps." Film ends on the stars and stripes.


    The first sequence consists of male and female peasants in Malta working on the land. The second sequence consists of officers and men relaxing on an airfield somewhere in North Africa, shaving, receiving letters, bathing, etc. The third sequence ...


    Unedited colour material shot by an official RAF cameraman of Baltimores, Bostons and Spitfires, including air to air footage and some shots of Malta.

    The first sequence is of a Baltimore squadron in N Africa, ...


    Reel 1: Low angle medium close-up of (British or Australian?) prisoners of war (POWs), one of whom is a sergeant. A staff car passes flying a Japanese pennant; the rear window is open and a Japanese senior officer (general?) looks at the camera. ...


    I. '100 EDITION.' British Minister of State for the Middle East R G Casey introduces this retrospective edition, which traces the course of the war so far, placing events in the context of Churchill's "bold plan of Mediterranean strategy. Men of the ...


    I. 'TANK BUSTERS.' Royal Air Force (RAF) ground crews replace the aerodynamic fairing on a 40mm Vickers Type S gun mounted under the wing of a Hawker Hurricane Mk IID fighter/ground attack aircraft. The commentary introduces the new mark of Hurricane ...