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    DOCUMENTARY. The rebuilding of Palestine.

    rl.1 Primitive life in Palestine - threshing by hand - a camel powers a water wheel. An Arab Muezzin in Jerusalem, the gates, streets and bazaars - the churches and mosques, the Via Dolorosa - the tomb ...

    Great Britain

    Travelogue of Southern Rhodesia. Scenes in Bulawayo, factory workshops for the railways. Gold mining operations in a large foundry and by a single prospector. Dairy farming in Gwelo, chromium mines at Selukwe, Rhodes' tomb at Matopos. ...

    Great Britain

    Travelogue of Burma showing Buddhist sites in Rangoon and Mandalay and a look at Burmese life. Includes a teak sawmill and working elephants; child dancers and musicians; and Mandalay market.

    Main title and credits (43). Silhouetted ...


    The Xhosa tribe.

    Great Britain

    J. Blake Dalrymple and J. Stirling Gillespie on wildlife filming expedition during a Cape to Cairo trip 1937-1939, largly shot in Zululand.


    Amateur film shot by Captain Torquil MacLeod of the 71st Highland Light Infantry.

    Sign to and view of Chakdara Fort. Urban and agricultural scenes in Northern India. Road marker sign to Kulu and Pandoh in Himalayas. ...

    Great Britain

    Amateur film covering Bagnold's explorations of the Libyan desert, 1930 and 1932.

    r.1 Names of the exploration party and a map showing route of first reconnaissance of the Great Sand Sea in 1929 (15). Map of route taken to Uweinat ...


    ACTUALITY. Wildlife at the foot of the Himalayas in northern India.

    Forest, mountain range in background (9). A black bear walking through the forest, and on open ground (32). Chital deer grazing; other deer grazing, drinking (119). A wild pig ...

    Great Britain

    Rural life in the mountainous valley near Gilgit - now in the Northern areas of Pakistan.

    Great Britain

    Life on board a liner, the Orford of the Orient Line, on a cruise to the Caribbean.


    The daughter of an army captain is degraded into a servant when her father is lost, but she refuses to believe it and finds him ill in hospital. She penetrates his memory and restores him to health.