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    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on British Guiana which is negotiating for independence by February 1966, assesses the possibility of renewed violence after that date. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham (interview) ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Life in Rhodesia appears to have been outwardly little affected by Smith's unilateral declaration of independence. During the week following UDI the Africans remained calm, while Rhodesians ...


    Report on reactions to Ian Smith's UDI, in Addis Ababa, Lusaka and Salisbury.

    Communiqu at end of Organisation of African Unity's meeting (opened by Haile Selassie) is vague, although reportedly member states may ...


    Lord Mountbatten visits Kuala Lumpur; Singapore, where he is seen with the Prime Minister (Lee Kuan Yew) and aboard a hovercraft; Borneo, where he inspects the Indonesian border installations; Bangkok; Hong Kong, where he sees the naval and RAF bases ...


    Incomplete film on the role of British forces around the world in the mid 1960s, including a summary of the British units stationed in Gibraltar, Cyprus, North Africa, Aden, Singapore, Hong Kong and Guyana. Ian Mikardo, Labour MP for Poplar, comments ...


    BARBADOS 1964

    TONIGHTGreat Britain
    Great Britain

    During a savage Mahdi attack on Barash under Victorian British rule, Richard Baker, thrice demoted sergeant, rescues an English governess, her charge and a callow subaltern. Baker hopes to escape by river to Khartoum but the wreckage of ...

    Great Britain, USA

    A British regiment stationed in a newly independent African state is preparing to celebrate the Queen's birthday when Colonel Deal is ordered to hand over command to the African Captain Abraham pending the result of political ...

    Central African Federation

    Jim and Jane tour Rhodesia.

    Great Britain

    Actuality: uncut footage, posibly out-takes of events during and surrounding the filming of "Thunderball" in the Bahamas.

    Shots of large props including Harrier jet(?) being built; speedboat which separates from larger cruiser. Air ...


    COLONY 1964


    A documentary impression of some of the West Indians now living in Birmingham. Features a railwayman from St. Kitts, a bus conductor from Jamaica, a family of singers from Trinidad and a nurse from Barbados.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain