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    Kenya government's Land Development and Settlement Board scheme to encourage Africans to return to the land and farm small five to ten acre plots is forcing large landowners in scheduled areas to sell up . Two such farmers, an English settler living ...


    Report tries to assess the possible effect on Malayan society if Sarawak, Brunei, North Borneo and Singapore unite to form the Federation of Malaysia.

    Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman says the purpose of the plan is ...


    The Duke of Edinburgh's South American tour.

    Specific aim of tour was to discover opportunities for British business in this potentially wealthy continent which Britain helped develop last century, but which has ...


    Report on the political and economic condition of Sierra Leone tries to assess the way the country will develop.

    State is described as peaceful and democratic and the Governor General Sir Maurice Dorman says it "got ...


    The attitudes of leading Singaporean politicians and businessmen towards the possible merger of Singapore with the Federation of Malaya.

    Present prosperity of Singapore derives from her importance as the financial ...


    Proposed new constitution which British Government is considering for Protectorate of Swaziland will give half the seats in the new Legislative Council to 7000 European settlers and the other half to 250,000 Swazis.



    Report on "Operation Noah" and on efforts to tackle another ecological problem created by the construction of the Kariba Dam, the spread of a floating water fern.

    Wildlife is being stranded on small islands behind ...


    Report on how British forces are countering Dr Sukarno's efforts to undermine the new Federation of Malaysia.

    Indonesia has failed to disrupt the Malaysian economy (interview with Singapore Finance Minister who says ...


    Report from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, follows the apparently similar working day of a middle-class white, a butcher, and a middle-class African, a brewery representative, then lets a group of whites and a group of ...


    Report on present day Hong Kong which examines the implications for the Colony's future once the lease on the New Territories runs out in 1997, when five-sixths of the area revert to China


    A retrospective compilation of news stories of 1965.

    a. Punch-up in the Irish Republic between police and supporters of the banned IRA. b. Viet Cong film of military action in Vietnam. c. Traditional ball at Vienna ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Shop assistant in New York store selling various bugging devices describes and demonstrates some of his gadgets which monitor telephone calls undetected and pick up conversations through ...