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    Messages home from British Army and WRNS personnel in India to their loved ones in the Bournemouth district. The location is Malabar Hill, Bombay and several soldiers, including a WRNS, send messages. Many refer to demob and coming home soon.



    Unedited record, variably exposed and framed, shows Indian Army troops of 59 Rajputana General Purpose Transport Company of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps (RIASC) queuing for rations and on parade during the visit of their ruler (not visible) to ...


    I. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT- 'LATEST NEWS.' An item covering the first official visit of King Ibn Saud of Arabia to King Farouk of Egypt. King Ibn Saud's royal yacht Marusa arrives at Suez. King Farouk, Egyptian Premier, Fahmy Mahmud el-Nokrashy Pasha, and ...


    I. 'INDIA.' Panoramic footage shows the rugged terrain of the Kashmir Valley. River traffic threads its way past moored houseboats in the Indian holiday resort of Srinagar. A houseboat has a sign reading "Dental Surgeon" attached to it. A Srinagar ...


    I. 'WINTER SPORTS.' Panoramic footage shows skiers on the snow covered slopes of Mount Kosciusko in New South Wales (Australia). Extended footage shows civilians skiing on the slopes of the ski resort. Children fall over in the snow during ski ...


    I. 'IVORY.' Ivory tusks taken from Indian elephants are stacked on the floor of an ivory workshop in London. A male factory worker cuts the tusks with an electric jig in the first stage of the production of ivory handles for brushes, combs and hand- ...


    I. 'BURMA.' Indian Army officers and a Roman Catholic missionary discuss plans for rebuilding a damaged mission school in the environs of Toungoo in central Burma. A Roman Catholic priest points out the structural works needed to restore a brick- ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' Princess Elizabeth visits Bedford, where she reviews a parade of the Women's Land Army (WLA). The commentary stresses the continuing contribution of the agricultural workers to the nation's well-being while the "food situation ...


    I. 'TRANSJORDAN TREATY SIGNED.' Emir Abdullah of Transjordan arrives in Britain by British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Avro York airliner for the signing of the newly renegotiated Anglo-Transjordanian treaty and is met by Lord Carrington. The ...


    I. 'WORLD'S LARGEST AIRCRAFT.' An unliveried Avro Tudor II airliner is rolled out of a hangar for its maiden flight (March 10 1946). The commentary outlines the aircraft's dimensions and performance specifications over views of the parked and chocked ...


    I. 'AUSTRALIA- FOOD RELIEF FOR INDIA.' Australian land workers walk through a wheat field as a horse-drawn combine-harvester is operated nearby. The commentary states that it is the Australian Wheat Board's intention to plough and sow every available ...


    I. 'LATEST HAIR FASHIONS.' A male wig maker prepares a tressed hairpiece made from buffalo's tail. Girls are fitted with the hairpieces at a woman's hairdressers. views of various hairstyles follow. A London shopfront has a sign that reads "Plaits- ...