The reel consists of numerous shots, with occasional intertitles, in no particular order, including the following (but see notes): (B&W) Amphibious exercise at Slapton Sands, Devon - light vehicles drive on to the beach ...
The reel consists of numerous shots, with occasional intertitles, in no particular order, including the following (but see notes): (B&W) Amphibious exercise at Slapton Sands, Devon - light vehicles drive on to the beach ...
Amateur film. Monkey dance in Kuki village in Manipur State Assam.
Amateur footage shot in Mufulira, Northern Rhodesia, showing how the mine and the community have developed since 1930
Amateur film with titles, shot by Royal Army Medical Corps doctor Colonel Alexander Simson (1894-1980), records Indian life and monuments in Multan (Punjab), Karachi, Taj Mahal (Agra) and Delhi.
"Date picking colony ...
Amateur film showing daily life in Bundi, India. The road to Amber; women at a well; the market; the Palace; the Bazaar; bathing; well with bullocks drawing water; camel and donkey; women spinning; the Craster family at Jotwara; polo at Jaipur, ...
Film taken in Malta by Lord Mountbatten on Noel Coward's camera.
The film shows Lady Mountbatten, the Honourable Mrs Richard Morton (afterwards Lady Grantley), Junie Heywood-Lonsdale and possibly Desmond Dryer. Noel ...
Untitled amateur film, shot by Royal Army Medical Corps doctor Colonel Alexander Simson (1894-1980), shows summer cruise to Norway and scenes of military life in Northern India, including British soldiers entraining, purifying water from canal, ...
Amateur footage of a trip from Madagascar to Pemba Island.
The film opens in colour with a French steamer leaving Madagascar at Majunga, showing crowded deck scenes and a dhow pulls away from the boat. The film then changes to black ...
Filmed from the front of a car. English men and women on horses chase a pig with spears. Pig stuck with spears.
Carving wooden pillows. Cutting a suitable branch - a forked section - which is measured, shaped with axe and adze and finally with a knife. The wood is left to dry, then rubbed with butter and heated over the fire. Final smoothing and ...
Descriptive of the life on the island, as lived by the present-day survivors of the mutineers from HMS Bounty.
Pottery making methods among the Bimal tribe at Danana, Somaliland.
Dry clay is collected and pounded and sifted to make a fine grit. Wet clay is carried back to the village. The clay is mixed with the grit and fine sand and puddled ...