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    I. MS as HMS Ocean passes right to left, steaming through the breakwater to leave Grand Harbour - the crew line the side for leaving port and Fireflies and Sea Furies are ranged aft. A Westland Dragonfly hovers over ...


    Trials carried out in Malta illustrating the use of a NL Pontoon to bridge a water gap between LST ramp and the shore when loading and unloading a Centurion tank.

    Pontoon approaches HMS ...


    Underwater footage of Lord Mountbatten skin-diving and spear fishing in Malta.


    Dramatised advertising film for Lux toilet soap intended for African audiences.

    The film opens with an African man sitting and playing guitar while two African women sit at his feet and sing in turn. The African man is next shown in his car ...


    Ceremonies surrounding the installation of the Queen Mother of Enyeresi.


    Scenes in heavily guarded courtroom as Jomo Kenyatta and five other Mau Mau leaders were tried and sentenced.

    Great Britain

    Dramatisation of the Bakiga people's attempt to cultivate the Kigezi district of Uganda, and their encounter with the Pygmies.

    The camera zooms in on a map to an area marked Kigezi. As crowds gather, 'the soldier' reads an article ...

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Film shows how the discovery of oil has affected life in Kuwait. Opening shots of a desert sandstorm. Arabs take refuge in their tents. After the storm, a traveller mounts his camel and continues his journey. The centre of ...


    INTEREST: Deals with the work of the Lagos Executive Development Board which was formed in 1946 to plan and develop Lagos. The main problems being reclamation of swamp areas provision of residential areas and slum clearance.

    "Rl.1." ...


    Europeasn are armed in Nairobi, now a "special area"; increased precautions against the Mau Mau.

    Great Britain

    Story of a police officer in Sierra Leone who has a love affair with a girl during his wife's absence and contemplates suicide.

    The Heart of the Matter, based upon Graham Greene’s prize- ...


    "Smithers" is sent to Gwelo to investigate business oportunities - then follows an advertising film for Gwelo, tracing its history and facilities.