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    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Barging up the Zambezi - construction of new barge.

    Dogs on Duty - police dog training.

    Pride of the Copperbelt - Ndola's airport and rail centre.

    Parts to Spare - motor scrap yard.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    New Shaft at Roan - Roan Antelope copper mine.

    A Livingstone Industry - cane and steel furniture.

    Jubilee Run - diamond jubille train run from Gwelo to Selukwe, people in period dress.

    Great Britain, Rhodesia

    George Scott examines Rhodesia - stresses the little relative impact of the white community, possible for Africans to compete with whites for jobs, amplifies the segregation which still exists, politics and African involvement in ...

    Great Britain

    The work of the British Red Cross at home and at its overseas branches in Hong Kong, Kenya and Uganda.


    VHS of a series of still photographs with an accompanying written script. 1. Shots of Zanzibar, including places and buildings of note.

    2. Shots of Pemba.

    3. Shots of Dhows.

    4. Royal Occasions: significant events between 1956 and 1963 ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Documents the moving of people from the Batonka valley on the Zambesi River because of the plans to build the Kariba Dam, and their situation 10 years on.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia ...


    I. Guildhall welcome ceremony for the Queen and Prince Philip on their return from their 3-month tour of Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. Among those present are Macmillan, Duncan Sandys, the Lord Mayor of London and Commonwealth representatives. ...


    I. The waters of the Zambezi pour through the floodgates of the Kariba Dam in Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

    II. Belgian Grand Prix takes place in pouring rain: called off after 6 laps. Jim Clark wins; shots of him and Graham Hill.

    III. The ...


    Film showing the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on location in the New Territories, Hong Kong.

    The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion, marching with their mascot and transporting goods across land in Chinese ...


    Edited report of 1st Battalion 7th Gurkha Rifles patrolling river by native motor launch, names and photographs of wanted terrorists in briefing room, briefing prior to Wessex helicopter dropping soldiers into jungle clearing, bringing in captured ...


    Amateur film shot by Major Allan Cameron of 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers when serving at Headquarters 48 Gurkha Infantry Brigade records scenes of military and local life, including contrast between Chinese shanty towns and wealth, ...

    Stafford Collection

    Trip to Murchison Falls, Uganda, and to Malindi via Mombasa.