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    INTEREST: Scenes from around the world of different forms of beasts of burden.

    No credits. MCU Mountie comes across a rope bridge on horseback towards the camera followed by a man on foot leading a donkey (7-19). MS rocky mountain path along ...

    Great Britain

    No main title. "Messrs. J. Walkden's Store" (3). LS of the store, name clearly seen, a European man stands outside, a group of Africans (Hausa) leave the store (17). "Messrs. Christian's Stre" (20). Two Europeans walk down a path from the ...


    Set in Samoa, the film records the daily life of the protagonist as a ceremonial feast is prepared.

    Fa'angase, a 'maiden,' and Moana's mother gather leaves; Moana collects taro root. Moana and his brothers, Pe'a and Tu'ungaita, set a snare for a ...


    Main title. "King and Queen escort Ferdinand and Queen Marie through Britain's Dominions at Wembley". Garlands of Welcome at the Indian Pavilion.". A distant shot of the visitors (44). "At Queen Victoria's Memorial". A closer view of the ...

    Great Britain

    No main title. A man writes `God Save the King' on a blackboard. "Nevertheless they are exceedingly grateful and sent this mesage to England." A man sells neck rings at a market stall. "The Indian Bazaar is one of the most paying ...

    Great Britain

    Footage of local life in Southern Nigeria.

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Scenes of African life in the Congo.

    Main title (5). A mother sitting on the ground and surrounded by baskets tends her baby. She has decorative scarring on her back (41). CU of man's head with scarring on the forehead ...


    NEW DELHI 1928

    Great Britain

    Amateur film of New Delhi. Street scenes. Fountains. Show jumping and horse artillery on parade. AV from a plane. Interior of plane. Personal film of children on ski-ing slopes and playing in wood. Cricket at Batyana High School.


    NIGERIA 1928

    Great Britain

    Travelogue. Scenes in Northern Nigeria. A compilation of footage taken from other films (see note at end of synopsis).

    No titles. Africans (Fulani?) dancing in a close circular group carrying clubs and wearing skins (16). A large ...

    Great Britain

    Production footage for a film about a journey down the River Niger, Africa.

    No titles. LS man scaling down a palm tree (30). Africans working in a vegetable plot (33). Closer view of man in plam tree (44). HAS of compound yard; ...

    Great Britain

    A journey along the West African coast to Lagos and scenes in Lagos.

    No main title. "At sunrise we arrive off Freetown, Sierra Leone..." (12). Sunrise (14). Africans swimming from canoes (33). "Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone ...

    Great Britain

    A series of shots of the Niger Company's, J. Walkden's and W.B. McIver's buildings in Nigeria, usually consisting of a shot of the building exterior, clearly marked, with Africans entering and leaving the buildings.

    "The Niger ...