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    (Reel 1) After departing Little Aden from Salerno Camp (Coldstream Barracks), Hughes records northwards journey in protected convoy on road to Dhala in Land Rover with anti-roll bars and plated against land mines. Fair-haired guardsman is seventeen ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur film without titles shot by Flight Officer Anne Peterkin, when serving as a sister in the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in the RAF Hospital at Khormaksar Beach from 1964 to 1966, records her ...


    Amateur record shot by young Able Seaman Richard Carver, when serving on HMS Salisbury in the Far East in 1962-1965, records off-duty scenes in Singapore and on nearby Snake Island, and naval search party boarding local vessel Naga Mas off Sarawak ...


    Amateur film shot by RAF serviceman Bob Andrews while serving in RAF 105 Squadron and 114 Squadron with RAF Transport Command during the 1960s records ground and air views of transport and supply operations in the area ...


    Reel1: Staff College Course visit to tank demonstration at Royal Armoured Corps, Bovington and visit to Royal Navy (F141 and carrier RO9 at sea). (1958)

    Reel 2: Cyprus. Headquarters 3 Infantry Brigade on exercise. Landing in Nicosia, with Greek ...


    Reel 1: Various dignitaries attend the passing out ceremony of the first six Kenyan Air Force pilots, who have undergone their training with the Royal Air Force. Those attending include Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya president, and Malcolm McDonald, the British ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1956

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1956-57

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya, 1957

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he ...

    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya 1956, 1960

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time ...