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    I. "Twenty-five not out." Lieutenant General Devers, new US C-in-C in Britain, makes an address to the crew of a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft, the 'Memphis Belle', before they fly off to the United States where they will make a tour to ...


    I. "The King with the Eighth." King George VI drives through Tripoli in a car with General Montgomery and afterwards along a road lined with troops standing to attention. During an inspection of an Indian Division the King presents a VC to a Gurkha ...


    I. "RAF prang Turin." Map of Italy shows Turin's importance to the Axis powers as a railway centre for southward bound supplies. This is the target hit by British-based Lancasters in the "heaviest raid so far." Night aerial film shows blazes and ...


    I. "To entertain the troops." a. Gracie Fields, back from a tour of the USA, is seen signing admirers' autograph books. b. Bob Hope, on a brief visit to Britain, entertains an Allied audience of American and British servicemen and women. Comedian ...


    I. "High steppers in Trotting Classic." Various stages in the Hambletonian trotting race in USA won by 70 year old jockey.

    II. "Crushing the Japs by air and sea." War of islands in SW Pacific continues (map of New Georgia). Planes bomb a ...


    I. "Surrender." RN ships escort part of the surrendered Italian fleet to Malta, including the battleships 'Italia' and 'Vittorio Veneto'. Italian Admiral Da Zara comes ashore on the island to report to Admiral of the Fleet Cunningham. Item concludes ...


    I. "A fillies' St Leger." Herring Bone, a filly, wins the St Leger at Newmarket. Pre-race scenes show many servicemen among the race-goers and a glimpse of a bookmaker at his stand.

    II. "Reading between the lines." a. Arrival of the first ...


    I. "Harvard honours Churchill." After receiving the honorary degree of Doctor of Law from Harvard University Churchill addresses a parade of Army and Navy student officers, emphasising British determination to end the war and "establish the reign of ...


    I. "Russia - Extracts from the Great Story." Abandoned German material, including a "Schneider Chalon sur Saone" nameplate. Central item is forming of National Committee of Free Germany to include German workers and representatives of POWs. Sullen ...


    I. Italy: bad weather conditions (snow-covered hills, gales and flooded rivers sweeping away army equipment) are responsible for the lull in operations on the peninsula. Preparations are being made however for a renewed drive on Rome (Allied troops ...


    I. "'Downfall of Japan' Conference." Churchill pays a brief visit to Malta before attending the Cairo Conference, which is covered in this item by a long list of names over film of participants posing formally for the cameras: Churchill, Roosevelt, ...


    I. "Royal Visit to Dutch outpost." Crown Princess Juliana, on a tour of Dutch possessions in the Caribbean area, lands at Sint Eustatius where the airfield is decorated with a V (Victory) and O (House of Orange) sign, watches the natives cheer and ...