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    Selkirk Collection

    New Zealand. Geysers. Volcano. Flower parks. Mountain scenery of South Island with snow capped mountain wall. Sheep ranching. Beaches and coasts.

    Official visit to Fijii. Village with meeting house in a clearing. Tribal elders ...

    Selkirk Collection

    European trekking over the coastal mountains. Arial views of Hong Kong the city and the harbour with naval and commercial shipping. Passenger ferries. Street scenes with traffic. Inspection of Guard of Honour of Sea Cadets Governor ...


    Film about RAF, and especially Transport Command, in the Far East.

    The only means of supplying troops in the jungle is by parachute drop or helicopter. Beverley para-drops supplies - need for precision to avoid ...


    Dramatised documentary using a story about faulty navigational radar to illustrate RAF life and work in the Far East.

    RAF Staging Post at Gan in the Maldives discovers a malfunction in the CRDF (Cathode Ray Direction ...


    I. Anti-submarine helicopters , operating from frigate, are seen in action: mortars and torpedoes are used.

    II. German soldiers of the 84th Panzer Battalion train with British troops at Castle Martin in Wales. The locals welcome them. Soldiers ...

    ASIA TODAYMalaya

    Information film about the benefits of the national radio service in Sarawak.

    The film opens with a performance by the Kuching Constabulary, a popular attraction in the capital. Radio permits this music ...


    Government publicity for the national four-year plan.

    The narrator stresses the urgent need for expansion if trade is to remain at existing levels, and Singapore retain its position as a great port - dredging ...


    Government information film about Singapore.

    Film has three items: (1) 'Yang Di Pertuan Tours'. The Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, visits parts of Singapore in a 'getting-to-know-you ' tour. ...


    Government information film.

    Four items. (1) 'Industrial Singapore - Tobacco'. Study of the process of cigarette manufacture, emphasising the large numbers produced and the speed of modern machine operations. ...


    Government information programme.

    Two items. (1) 'Industrial Singapore - Soap'. Manufacture of soap from surplus coconut oil. The successive stages in the production process are illustrated. Soap making is now ...


    An 'on the spot' report by Julian Pettifer showing the rle of the Royal Hampshire Regiment in the Caribbean.

    The film shows: some of the men swimming in the sea; the regimental headquarters in Jamaica; training at ...


    Regimental record, with detailed commentary by commanding officer, of parade by 1st Battalion The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment in Aden in presence of Princess Alexandra of Kent, Sir Charles Johnston (Governor of Aden) and Air Marshal Sir Charles ...


    Amateur film shot by Mrs Audrey Bush (wife of RASC Sergeant Maurice Bush serving at HQ, Aden), records Military tattoo at Waterloo Barracks, Khormaksar, Open Day at RAF Khormaksar with Beverley transport aircraft on tarmac, camel and horse races at ...

    Simpson Collection

    Princess Margaret's visit to Tanga and Moshi. Agricultural Shows at Moshi, Morogoro, Pare(?), Njombe. Various district independence celebrations.

    Bell Collection


    Queen Elizabeth Park - river trip, animals, birds, performence of local tribal dance. Livingstone. Victoria Falls.

    An African sunset taken from the air.

    Production / Donor Details: Mary Bell was a ...

  • Boles Collection 3: Royal Marines Manoeuvres, British North Borneo 1961
    Boles Collection

    This film includes footage of Kuta Belud airstrip, Kinabulu Mountain, extensive manoeuvres of the Royal Marines in Sabah, and scenes of local people. Some film is shot from a helicopter.

    Production / Donor Details: Sir ...

    Boles Collection

    This film shows European families emjoying a day out at a regatta at Jesselton on the west coast of British North Borneo, now Sabah. It includes shots of picnics, swimming and sailing races.

    Production / Donor Details: Sir Jack ...

    Anton-Smith Collection

    Various items showing people and places in the life of an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Mr Anton-Smith, an Agricultural Officer in Northern Rhodesia (and later Zambia). ...

    Boles Collection

    This film includes a short section of Singapore followed by a helicopter flight in Kota Belud. Then a sequence of a Bajau mounted escort for the visit of John Profumo, then Secretary of State for War, and General Hull to British North ...

    Bryan Collection

    Life in and around Lusaka. Visit of the Queen Mother. Flight home in Comet via Cairo with good shots of pyramids, sphinx, camels etc.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Bryan was an Education Officer in Northern Rhodesia ...

    Gregory Collection

    Passing out parade of European NE trainees at the NSTE, Bulawayo; 1961 World Trade Fair; A European wedding with footage of typical 1960's women's and children's clothes. Also family footage.

    Production / Donor Details: Major ...

    King Collection

    1.Air views of the bush. 2. Chobe Game Researve Elephant & Giraffe from air. 3. Gymkhana: sack race, children learning to ride, bareback race by adults on ponies. 4. Volkswagen van travelling through countryside, Norton to ? Bungalow ...

    Marsh Collection

    This film shows sailing races at Tanga, picnics and swimming and scenes in the sailing club.

  • Buchanan Collection: 'Ndola Diary': UNIP Public Meeting & Demonstration, Ndola 1961
    Buchanan Collection

    Item 1: Footage of a UNIP (United National Independence Party, Northern Rhodesia) public meeting held in 1961 at Twapia Township, near Ndola on the Copperbelt. Speakers include party president Kenneth Kaunda. Item 2: short sequence ...

    Lendrum Collection

    Home movie footage of family and views in Spain, Gilbraltar and Spanish Morocco.

    Lendrum Collection

    Home movie footage of family and views in Spain, Gilbraltar and Spanish Morocco.

    Lendrum Collection

    Home movie footage of family and views in Spain, Gilbraltar and Spanish Morocco.

    Lewis-Barned Collection

    Domestic Scenes from Studley Cottage Songea District: including Ngoma, Guy Fawkes Night, Armistice Day ceremony. Father Christmas arrives with his sleigh and presents. Fishponds.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot Major ...

    Lewis-Barned Collection

    Road Journey from Songea to Dar es Salaam; Mtwara Docks and sea voyage on board ' SS Mombasa'. Air trip to Mafia Island. Dar es Salaam city centre.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot Major Harry Lewis-Barned, who ...

    Lewis-Barned Collection

    Local Leave 1961: Nairobi, Mikumi Game Reserve. Government buildings recenty built in Dar es Salaam.

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot Major Harry Lewis-Barned, who served in the army in India in the 1930s, and by Mr ...

    Lewis-Barned Collection

    Foot Safari, Morogoro District 1961

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot Major Harry Lewis-Barned, who served in the army in India in the 1930s, and by Mr John Lewis-Barned, who served as an Assistant District Officer in ...

    John Smith Collection

    Various shots Institute of Administration in Zaria, and mature students preparing for & taking part in an exercise 'Operation Hiltops'. The trainees set off for a number of remote villages in the Kauru hills and their experiences ...

    John Smith Collection

    Various shots of trainees from the Institute of Administration departing from the village of Kono after a celebration of music and dancing by the villagers in the students' honour.

    Training Camp sequence of students ...

    John Smith Collection

    The film shows students of the Administrative Service Training Course during the 1961 census at Karaye in Kano Province at which the students trained and supervised the enumerators. Various shots of the camp at Karaye rest house ...

    John Smith Collection

    The Outward Bound School at Kurra Falls on Jos Plateau in Central Nigeria:

    abseiling, obstacle course, and swimming lessons.

    Different students on attachment with district officers - I) Maiduguri District Office, 2) ...

    John Smith Collection

    1: Marriage of Governor's PA & ADC (Islanders)

    2: New Zealand family footage. 3: Official tours with welcoming ceremonies, dancing & beach scenes - Tuvalu, Viatupu & the Britten - Norman Islands.

    4: Collecting & ...

    John Smith Collection

    Various fairwells - 1. Goodbye visit to Taborio School. 2. Dancing displays at Maneabas. 3. Departure from Embassy by London taxi. 4. Official goodbuy at airport by the Cabinet & Ieremia Tabai (future President). 5. A family ...

    Gill Collection

    Sequences showing the record of a great number of journeys made and visits to road and airfield construction in many parts of Nigeria and the Southern Cameroons, and also an international conference of road engineers in Mozambique ...

    Gill Collection

    Pictures Lagos in 1955-61 with its fringes of old villages and the Brazilian Quarter of the city, in the process of being superseded. The work of the Lagos Executive Development Board is shown, and some road and bridge construction and ...

    Langridge Collection


    Production / Donor Details: Collection shot by Bill Langridge, a Vet working for the World Health Organisation from the 1930s in Kenya.

    Briars Collection

    Wildlife. On the dam at Kabianga. Maize plants.

    River floods. Travelling on the back road.

    Kenya High school , Nairobi. Tea pickers. Kabiana agricultural centre. Crops.

    Sports at Kericho school.

    Macdonald Collection

    Scenes in Borneo. Visits to various other places including Kashmir and Lebanon (Baalbek).


    Record of the mutual ties which bind Britain and Malta.


    The life of the Hong Kong fishing families, and how they have benefited from the establishment of the Fish Marketing Board, assuring fair prices and enabling them to organise their work better.


    The problems faced by British authorities in trying to cope with the increasing population of Hong Kong.

    John Smith Collection

    1. Mr. J. Smith teaching island boys how to sail traditional craft.

    2. A scout camp for island boys.

    Production / Donor Details: John Smith began his career in the Colonial Service in Nigeria. He was the Course ...


    OUT EAST 1961


    The story of HMS Victorious' 1960-1961 Far East commission.

    PORTSMOUTH. HMS Victorious lies alongside with HMS Victory in the background. Before she leaves on her Far East tour she must work ...


    A dramatised documentary showing the work of the frigate HMS Loch Lomond on patrol in the Persian Gulf.

    Flag officer comes onboard to welcome the men of HMS Loch Lomond to the Persian Gulf. ...