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    Views of the C-in-C Middle East, Secretary General of the South Arabian League, Acting High Commissioner and various British civilians in Aden on the colony's future after independence.

    Admiral Sir Michael Le Fanu ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Assessment of the politics and personality of Vorster and their probable effect on the future of South Africa. A former pro-Nazi and lawyer who as Minister of Justice was responsible for ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. British Gurkha troops guard against Indonesian infiltration in Borneo. Soldiers are seen at a front camp receiving supplies dropped from a Beverly, on patrol in the jungle, and preparing ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. The effect of sanctions on Rhodesian politics. Sanctions against Rhodesia have had unexpected economic and psychological effects, according to a Salisbury stockbroker who says that blockade ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Story of the attempt by two Britons to row across the Atlantic which ended when their specially built and well-equipped 15 and a half ft. boat capsized. Probability is that Puffin was ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Inauguration of the Volta Dam by Nkrumah. President warns against the "encroachments of neo-colonialism" and indeed his recent remarks on this subject account for the absence of Mrs. ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Background to the fighting in Kashmir. Indian forces have now crossed the UN ceasefire line and are seen on patrol, counting enemy dead and manning check-points in Srinagar. Gouma Nkala ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Terrorist campaign to force Britain to grant Aden independence before 1968 has spread from the Radfan Mountains where the Army and RAF have been attacking rebel positions to Qatar City ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the military tension on the border between Sikkim and China reveals the vulnerability of the small Indian protectorate. Film of a few Chinese soldiers with cameras gives no ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the likely consequences for Rhodesia if the London negotiations end in deadlock and Prime Minister Smith makes a unilateral declaration of independence. UDI would be treason, ...


    Report examines the reaction of white Rhodesians to Ian Smith's rejection of Wilson's proposals for an independence settlement and also shows that the effect of sanctions on the standard of living of Smith's supporters has ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Interview with Garfield Todd, who is under house arrest, and partial coverage of a news conference given by his gaoler Ian Smith. Former Prime Minister is pessimistic about Rhodesia's ...