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    I. Italy: bad weather conditions (snow-covered hills, gales and flooded rivers sweeping away army equipment) are responsible for the lull in operations on the peninsula. Preparations are being made however for a renewed drive on Rome (Allied troops ...


    I. "'Downfall of Japan' Conference." Churchill pays a brief visit to Malta before attending the Cairo Conference, which is covered in this item by a long list of names over film of participants posing formally for the cameras: Churchill, Roosevelt, ...


    I. "Royal Visit to Dutch outpost." Crown Princess Juliana, on a tour of Dutch possessions in the Caribbean area, lands at Sint Eustatius where the airfield is decorated with a V (Victory) and O (House of Orange) sign, watches the natives cheer and ...


    I. "Cairo - Conference and parade." Road-check ensures safety at the Second Cairo Conference. Formal pose outdoors by participants including Roosevelt, Churchill and President Inn of Turkey sitting in front. Churchill, wearing the uniform of the ...


    I. "Snow holds up the Eighth." Deep snow hinders the 8th Army in Italy, covering equipment and tents and blocking the roads, which are seen being cleared by jeeps with snow-ploughs. Further difficulty arises as the snow thaws and troops sweep the ...


    I. "Pacific war news." a. Matilda tanks precede Australian infantry advancing through the jungle in New Guinea at the time of the capture of Sattelberg. b. Elsewhere on the island a planeload of Australian girls arrive to entertain US forces at their ...


    I. "War brides reach new home." British wives of Canadian servicemen arrive with their children in Montreal

    II. "Airplane of the future." View of model all-wing jet on stand.

    III. "MacArthur - a close up." MacArthur watches the ...


    I. "The Brown Bomber." Staff Sergeant Joe Louis visits London and engages in some sparring practice with other boxers in the services.

    II. "A memory of Pearl Harbour." The battleship USS Oklahoma which was damaged and capsized at Pearl Harbor ...


    I. "Gunsite get-together." British and American ack-ack units have recently been exchanging officers and men in order to familiarise the Allies with each other. Men are seen together in the mess, being welcomed by an officer and manning ack-ack guns ...


    I. "Knock out victory." British cruiserweight champion Freddie Mills easily outfights the one stone heavier Canadian heavyweight Al Delaney, who is knocked down before receiving a knock out blow. Fight was in aid of Russian war effort.

    II. " ...


    I. "Whitsun 1944." Holiday scenes at Ascot races and Lord's Cricket Ground where Australian airmen are playing an English team. The match is watched by Australian Premier Curtin and High Commissioner Bruce as well as by the Maharajah of Kashmir and ...


    I. "Tasting their own medicine." Inhabitants of small German village of Katarineburg await evacuation across the border to Belgium. US Army takes this step to prevent villagers passing on information to nearby German army.

    II. "News from the ...


    I. "Far East Fleet." Increasing strength of the British Fleet is illustrated by ships at sea, including 'King George V', at the time of attacks on Sabang, Medan and Padang on Sumatra. Ammunition is checked on the deck of a carrier, planes are bombed ...


    I. "F.F.I. Visitors." 200 members of the FFI, on a tour of Britain, march past the Cenotaph (where a wreath is laid) then parade through London led by the band of the Scots Guards, before reaching Mansion House where they are greeted by the Lord ...


    I. "Pictures tell Britain's Story to Paris." Ambassador Duff Cooper opens an exhibition organised by the Daily Mail which features Britain's "great war record", not always fully appreciated abroad. General Koenig, Governor of Paris, honours the ...


    I. "Burma - latest newsreel highlights." a. Lieutenant General Sir Oliver Leese is met by his Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Pownall, and C-in-C Ceylon, Major General Wetherall, as he arrives in Colombo to take up his new appointment as ...


    I. "Queen with NFS girls." The Queen, with Princess Elizabeth, is received by Herbert Morrison as she arrives to watch a parade in London by women of the National Fire Service, who afterwards demonstrate their fitness in an outdoor display.

    II. ...


    I. "The road to Mandalay." Report that the Fourteenth Army is beating back the Japanese is accompanied by film illustrating the difficult conditions under which this campaign is being fought: soldiers ford a shallow stream and continue on through a ...


    I. "Lady Louis inspects Indian hospitals." Lady Mountbatten visits a ward speaking to injured soldiers who are bedridden. Others practice "what is called occupational therapy" (sewing), a new idea. The purpose of Lady Mountbatten's visit is said to ...


    I. "Collapse of the Bridge." Engineers repair the Remagen Bridge over the Rhine shortly before its collapse. Film taken immediately after the collapse shows rescue operations under way, including a stretcher casualty being lifted from the buckled ...


    I. "Mandalay Falls." No actual film of the entry of troops into Mandalay, but coverage of a village on the outskirts being pounded by artillery, view of General Rees at a forward position and film of Indian and British troops moving forward along a ...


    I. "Italy. The Last Offensive." Mahratta troops from Central India move up before the 8th Army attack on the Senio River. Crocodile flame-throwers clear a path through an orchard.

    II. "In the Wake of the Hun." Eisenhower visits the ...


    I. "Victory." As Big Ben strikes three o'clock, Churchill broadcasts a statement from his office: "Yesterday morning General Jodl and Admiral Doenitz signed the act of unconditional surrender... Hostilities will end at one minute past midnight on ...


    Contains the items: Princess Launches Largest Tanker Gold in the Back Garden Easter Fashion For All Seretse Back in Bechuanaland Danny Kaye Here Again